It is a deck of skill cards, either found during missions or bought (there are over three hundred cards available). The Arsenal plays a crucial role during combat. Our missions take place mostly on the surface, and focus on fighting with hordes of enemies. The underground city serves as a Hub where we can buy new skills and items, and accept various quests.
Phantom Dust HD for PC and XONE is an action game with elements of a card game. They both suffer from amnesia and decide to go to the planet’s surface in order to find a way to recover their memories. The plot in Phantom Dust HD for PC and XONE tells the story of two Espers who were awakened from their cryogenic sleep. That is why Espers go on dangerous journeys to the surface to find precious artifacts and the reason behind Earth’s current state. The demise of our civilization lead to the situation where mankind lost most of its knowledge about the history, and nobody remembers what actually caused the catastrophy.